Author: The Beard Struggle
Published at: Jul 23, 2021
How do you respond to someone who asks you a question about your beard? How often do you find yourself defending your God given birthright to complete strangers? Have you ever had someone ask you a stupid question about your beard and thought about the best comeback ever in the history of comebacks, only after everyone has walked away? I hear you brother, me too! Why is it we do not think of this stuff when we need to use it. To me it is infuriating to no avail. Well, not today, (and possibly not anymore). We at The Beard Struggle think that you should be allowed to be a man if you want. We don’t you shave off your beard. Please note, that I am lovingly stroking my beard with vigorous enthusiasm while writing this article. How am I doing this and typing at the same time? It’s complicated.
Warning: some of these answers may offend. These are written with a sense of humor and with the love of beards
Did you know that your skin is covered in the same bacteria? The human skin is home to a multitude of microbes to include E. coli. Snopes already disproved this in a very fine fashion and shut down the beardless naysayers in an article entitled “Did a Study Find Men's Beards Are Full of Fecal Matter?”. How do we know they are beardless? Because no man with a beard would ever say something that stupid.
No, manliness is not seasonal! This one pretty much stands on its own doesn’t it? Even better yet, you can remark that “your bead does not make you hot in the Summer, it makes you hot all year long” (tom-kick-crash sequence, please).
Answer (Yes there are many):
Alright, fire away Jim-bob!
Bro, I would punch you, however, your beard has not grown in yet and I do not hit women and children.
No wonder your girlfriend has been looking at me all lustily
It’s called a vagina, and most men prefer it clean shaven too!
Yeah, I was exhausted from humping your girl last-night (And the hits keep coming)
Your face makes you like a tranny, however, you do not hear us bearded men complaining.
I don’t know? Why don’t you ask your girlfriend if she knows?